23rd Apr 2018 by Harriet Dalwood

10 Yetis Examples of Good and Bad PR - Monday 23rd April 2018

Hola everyone, Harriet here – this week’s good and bad PR comes from the lovely Beth who is doing some work experience at the Yeti offices. I hope you enjoy her picks, I know I did!

Happy Monday! Everyone a little bit burned after the absolutely scorching weather over the weekend? Probably not. It wasn’t honestly that bad, but you can bet your butt that we were all complaining it was just too hot. Well the clouds have rolled back in, and it’s time to get back to work. So let’s take a look at some good and bad examples of PR.

Good PR

How drunk did you get over the weekend? Tipsy? Merry? Absolutely off your trolley? Well, no matter the size of the hangover, you could well be wishing you made a trip to Morrisons in preparation for your day of self-pity and regret.

Morrisons are now selling the perfect food to keep you on your sofa nursing a food baby, as well as a splitting head; carbonara dirty fries.

Chips smothered in bacon lardons, cheese sauce and parsley is part of their ‘taste of America’ range and will set you back just £2.50. One packet contains a measly 588 calories (consider it a cheat food) and serves two (so, me...) Perfect.

Next up, IKEA. I’m pretty sure everyone has tried to put together a flat pack at some point in their lives, right? I know I have. I gave up and gave the screwdriver to my stepdad who happens to be a carpenter. Not for me.

But in a very sci-fi, robot intelligence taking over the world, kind of way, two robots managed to fit together an IKEA dining chair in just 20 minutes. Although, half of that was spent figuring out what they were going to do.

Programmed by scientists in Singapore at Nanyang Technological University, the bots had a couple of failures before they figured out what to do.

Let’s face it; it takes a human five or six attempts, a coffee, several cigarette breaks and a bottle of wine before it resembles any kind of furniture.

Good on you, robots! Please don’t take over the world now.

Bad PR

A restaurant in Swansea came under fire this week for publicly shaming a customer who made a reservation and didn’t turn up. Russell Bullimore, the owner of Bully’s restaurant posted the woman’s personal details including her full name, email address and phone number to Twitter.

The company even went as far as to like a response tweet that called the woman a “selfish cow”.

According to MailOnline, they contacted the restaurant for comment but the staff said they couldn’t give the managers details out due to data protection – how ironic.

The woman tweeted back in response saying the name of the restaurant seems quite fitting. She explained that she had an emergency and phoning to cancel was the least of her concerns.

The restaurant apologised for it in the end, but I’m sure locals won’t forget for a while...

And finally, a mum in Portsmouth was left furious when her daughters, aged 12 and 7 came home with sweets in the shape of penises.

The girls had been told they could spend their money and some sweets at the local shop named “Lol”, which sells sweets, but also has an adult humour section.

Ms Way went to the shop the next day to complain but didn’t get the apology she was looking for. The store owners have since said that the sweets should never have been sold to the girls, but it was done on a very busy day and they “didn’t notice”.

Surely they should be a little bit more selective with whom they sell their adult-themed products to...

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