17th Jan 2017 by Leanne Bryan

10 Yetis Insight Blog – Why You Shouldn’t Rule Out A Consumer PR Agency For A B2B Campaign

So, you’re on the lookout for a PR agency and suddenly they all want to be your best friend. You’re getting wined and dined at every turn, you might even get a slab of chocolate with your face on – they are pulling out all the stops to turn your head. And, no matter what you say you want from a PR campaign, all of them say that they can do it, with bells and whistles you can hardly even dream of.

But you’re suspicious of these promises, and rightly so. After all, are they just telling you what you want to hear, so that you’ll sign their dotted line?

If you want to run a B2B PR campaign, for instance, isn’t it most sensible to rule out all the consumer agencies? No matter what a consumer agency promises, surely a B2B agency is going to be better equipped and experienced to work on your campaign?

Short, and maybe a little inconvenient, answer: No.

Instead of distinguishing between agencies by labelling them ‘consumer’ or ‘B2B’, try to consider their skills and aptitudes. An agency should be judged on prior experience and successes, the results they generate (and don’t forget to ask how regularly or recently! Some might dine off that BBC coverage, and forget to mention to you that it came in back in 2014 and they’ve had nothing noteworthy since), their attitude and ideas and their general mode of operating; plus, maybe most importantly of all, their media relationships that might suit your objectives.

Distinguishing according to their speciality, e.g. tech, fashion or food for instance, can make more sense than the general rule of consumer versus B2B. Journalists are often freelance and flexible, writing for both types of publications in a certain sector, and consumer coverage often snowballs and transpires to B2B pick up too; so there’s no need to avoid it like the plague. Instead, courting a little B2C action can encourage the B2B titles to take note and treat you more seriously.

The truth is that the skills of a consumer agency can be easily transferred to all kinds of different campaigns and sometimes even offer an advantage. Here’s a few plus points to working with agencies typically perceived as ‘consumer’ on business or trade orientated campaigns:

1.Consumer PRs are used to getting – and keeping – things moving

We are a persistent bunch and we know that the more we can push out for you, the better. With B2B PR, which often features case studies, partnership announcements and a thousand and one internal sign offs, you will need to have an agency on board that can make sure the hurdles and obstacles don’t last too long. Those kind of glitches are responsible for killing far too many B2B PR campaigns, and a B2C-er tends to be pushier to make sure issues get addressed and solved so that that all-important release will definitely make it past the virtual door.

2.A faster pace leads to a sharper campaign

Consumer PR is known to be far more fast paced, thanks to its online nature and the rapid consumption of news stories, while B2B tends to lag behind thanks to the prioritisation of print that still remains. Because of this, a consumer PR agency won’t think twice about sending out stories in quick succession, bouncing from one reactive opportunity to another and simultaneously monitoring for any new trends that could work in your favour. Multi-tasking is an everyday occurrence and they are used to a rapid pace with lots of activity, so their stamina and suggestions should have a far quicker tempo to generate more opportunities for you.

3.They know the tricks of the trade

Because consumer PR is generally more competitive and faster paced, a consumer PR agency is well versed in getting messages out into the media against a whole roar of other noise. We know how to grab attention, and keep it, and we’ve done this under very pressing circumstances every dog darn day. The inbox of a B2B journo is a normally a fraction of the inbox of a B2C journo; if you can stand out to the Daily Mail, you can stand out anywhere.

4.Consumer PRs are more tech savvy

Operating online for so long in the B2C world means we can open your eyes to all kind of benefits you might have never considered; nowhere more so than with SEO. Yes, you want to be in Forbes, or Management Today, or in the Guardian Business pages – but how about going for the online audiences and seeking out some links, to get your page boosted up those search rankings? Sounds like mumbo jumbo? It’s second nature to a consumer PR.

5.They have different ideas

Consumer PR agencies have to be dynamic, flexible, enthusiastic, creative and innovative. Anything less just won’t get coverage, so it’s a daily requirement. B2B agencies, generally, can get away with being far more simplistic and straight-laced; the competition is less heavy and the B2B journalists are looking to fill their pages regardless. Taking a whole new approach, mixing in some tactics that aren’t so often used for B2B, can only increase your uptake and benefit your campaign. A fresh outlook can work wonders to rejuvenate your PR.

And yes, we are being more than a tad stereotypical here; some B2C PR agencies could be run by sloths, with no social savvy whatsoever, but these ones don’t tend to last too long. A lot of agencies now work across the board – often even working on both kinds of campaign for the same client to cover all of their PR communications, so be sure to ask the right questions about specialities, previous experience and results to find out if a typically B2C agency might just have awesome B2B potential.

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