27th Jul 2015 by Andy Barr

10 Yetis - Meet the Team - Sam Summers - Senior Public Relations Account Executive

Name Sam Summers

Title Senior PR Account Exec

How long have you worked at 10 Yetis I’m a few months off my 2 year anniversary!

Run us through your day

I get in to the office early most days and crack open my emails & a few news websites. I tend to find some funny pieces and send them to journalists that I have a good relationship with, just for a bit of banter, and then I’ll go through all of the emails that need actioning for that day.

Most of my morning is spent writing press releases, pitching to journalists on the phone and emailing my clients with any coverage that comes through. I tend to spend my afternoons either writing press releases, speaking to journalists about possible feature opportunities and emailing my clients about how the campaign is going – ensuring they’re happy with everything and keeping them happy.

We’re a really close PR team which is great, so throughout the day we’re gossiping about what’s going on in the world, singing along to music or watching the odd silly video (cat videos are my favourite – feel free to email/tweetme if you find any cool ones).

No two days are ever the same, but I wouldn’t have it any other way.

Favourite/proudest piece of work here

I’m most proud of the one month public relations campaign I’ve recently done with nailbox.co.uk.

They had a ‘nail polish tester’ job available whereby the successful candidate would receive 50 nail polishes and accessories each month and have to try, review and take photographs before reporting back to nailbox. The job came with a pro rata salary of £35k and stated that the successful candidate would have to remove themselves from most (if not all) household chores in order to maintain their hands. Who wouldn’t love a genuine excuse to avoid doing chores?! I know I would.

The campaign started off well, with coverage from Yahoo!, Cosmopolitan.co.uk and tonnes & tonnes of bloggers. But then someone outside of the UK picked up on the story and before we knew it the story had gone Global! Brazil, America, Africa, Australia… I don’t think there were many countries that didn’t have an application or two (thousand).

I think the biggest grin on my face came when I realised we’d generated coverage on Mashable. Anyone who works in PR knows how tricky it can be to get coverage on Mashable, never mind with links.

Pieces of coverage: 120+

Follow links: 107+

Applications: 70,000+

What did you do before working at 10 Yetis

I did a work experience placement in Events when I was 17 which led to me going on to University to study Events & Marketing Management. A lot of degrees these days require you to do a placement so I spent just over a year in London working within the marketing team for a tradeshow company. I continued working for them whilst I finished Uni, but instead of returning to London I ended up working for a startup local PR agency for 6 months before trying my luck and landing a role here with the Yetis!

Funniest Yeti story

I went down to London to help shoot a video for a client to announce the launch for two Brits to take part in the Naked Sledding World Championships. That in itself was quite surreal as we had half-naked actors walking around a busy office. But it had been a long day and when I get overtired I get the giggles for absolutely no reason. You could say something so unfunny but I’d find it hilarious. Anyway, it got to about 10pm and we’d been having banter with the client all evening and it came to the last video – a client testimonial – and I just couldn’t stop laughing, accidentally putting them off and giving them the giggles. It’s not that funny now, but at the time it was hysterical. Thankfully the video came out OK (after I was evicted from the room).

If you could have one super hero power, what would it be and why?

I’d quite like to be able to fly – but not just to other countries, I’d like to be able to fly to the Moon. I can’t imagine there’s anything more peaceful than sitting on the moon and looking at the Earth and the stars all around.

Gun to your head: what karaoke song would you choose?

Oh god – I’d definitely need a gun to my head (or a copious amount of alcohol) to get up and do karaoke! But it would have to be The Fugees – Killing Me Softly. It was my go-to karaoke song when I was a teen, back when I had the confidence to get up on stage and make a fool out of myself (and not care about scaring people off with my terrible singing voice).

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