23rd Jul 2015 by Andy Barr

10 Yetis Spots Google Panda 4.2 is Rolling Out - Head Yeti Statement

The news has started to break over the last few days that Google is rolling out its Panda 4.2 algorithm. For those not in the know, Google Panda is its way of seeking out and penalising sites that have poor content, thin content pages (not many words, too many adverts at the top etc), duplicate content (content taken from other sites instead of unique content) and generally aims to improve the experience that consumers have when visiting third-party websites after searching for something using Google.

Many businesses have been negatively affected by previous iterations of Google Panda and this really is big news to those companies hoping that a new version of Panda will improve their rankings and ultimately, bottom line.

Given Google Panda's potential impact on the Digital, SEO, Content and PR sectors, Head Yeti, Andy Barr has issued the following statement.

"The business community is watching on with great expectation with the news that Google is finally rolling out it’s Panda algorithm update after nearly a year of waiting. Those companies dependent on their website ranking well in Google will be having a nervous time whilst waiting to see how their sites will be affected and those who have previously been negatively affected will be hoping that all the months of repair work and fixes will have paid off.

Similarly, there will be lots of twitchy Search, Social and Digital agency MD's, nervously monitoring search tools like SearchMetrics and Moz, hoping that the advice they have been giving their clients has been positive. This update really can make or break a business and the fall out will be interesting to watch."

For more information you can hit Andy up on email via the site (hello@) or @10Yetis on Twitter, or call 01452 348211

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