01st Mar 2018 by Harriet Dalwood

How To Plan And Execute A PR Launch Campaign – 10 Yetis Insight

Tips on how to put together a PR launch campaign

It can be daunting experience for anyone to start up a new business. There are so many factors to consider, one of which is how to go about getting your company in the public eye. One of the best, tried and true ways to go about this is to get yourself a kickass PR campaign but the trick is knowing how to plan and execute such a thing.

We’ve worked on many successful PR launch campaigns, including Epic Health, Huel and Giftcloud and continue to do so with companies like Equipsme.

With our expertise in mind, let me divulge some top tips to ensure you launch your business to the media in the correct and most effective way.


Market research

Before you start eagerly writing out any press releases or even getting your team together for a brainstorm, you need to ensure you’ve done your market research.


Seeing who’s doing what in your relevant sector is imperative as it can shape how you decide to approach your media outreach. Competitors might be getting coverage in industry publications using specific methods which you can do better.

Understanding what certain publications cover, why it is they cover it and what angle to approach them with is incredibly important if you wish to achieve optimum results.

It’s also worth noting journalists down who have previously written about competitors. Chances are if they liked what they were pitching, they will be interested in your business too. Just ensure you are offering them up something new and fresh.

Know your USP

No journalist wants to hear about the same business over and over again and won’t be willing to listen to or read lots of waffle to get to the point. You need to find your USP and run with it. Ensure the factor that will make your company stand out is the first thing you mention, whether this is in your headline or on the phone when you’re speaking to journalists.

With people setting up businesses left right and centre, competition for media coverage has never been fiercer so you do need to come prepared and make sure your venture stands out of the crowd with everything and anything you send out.


Set some goals

Before you send anything out to your soon-to-be adoring public, you need to set some goals. Figure out which publications you want to see your business in and think about how best to go out achieving these results.


Create a list of desired publications and research the best contacts to approach with your launch release to maximise the chances of coverage.

It’s important to be realistic of course. If your business makes parts for fridges, it’s doubtful that the Mail Online will cover a straight business launch release for example.

Getting these big name publications though is where the next step comes in…

Think outside the box

It is totally possible to get even the most niche company on publications like the Mail Online or the Express. This is just where you need to get creative.

Using your knowledge from your market research, think about the kind of stories these publications cover and then brainstorm on how your company could relate to these articles.

You could piggyback on existing news stories, commenting on something related to your venture or you can create your own opportunities.

For example, you could create a buzz by putting together a stunt which would have every publication talking – think Deliveroo burger billboard or KFC edible nail polish.

If budget won’t allow expensive stunts, job advertisement stunts are used by many companies to get quick and easy coverage. Paintball tester, gin taster and motorbike rider are just some of the job stunts that have gained national coverage for companies that could have otherwise struggled to get noticed by publications with large circulations.

You can also consider sending journalists something related to your product or business. If you’re a company which creates chocolate spreads, send key contacts samples or a gift package of your goods to get them thinking about you.



As a new business, networking is paramount. Trade shows, conventions and even award ceremonies are great places to meet other people in your sector as well as journalists who are interested in your industry.

Interview opportunities are ripe at these kind of events so be prepared to speak to the media or take someone from your company who is comfortable doing so.

Another great way to widen your circle and your opportunities is to host a launch party that will have journalists talking about you for weeks. Find a venue, organise some interesting people to talk about your company and offer free drinks and food and the guests will come.


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