11th Mar 2016 by Kalli Soteriou

10 Yetis Insight - Vlog - Andy & Kalli chat Voxburner #YMS16 Conference

Andy and I attended day two of the Voxburner, Youth Marketing Strategy (#YMS16) conference at The Roundhouse in Camden, London this week.

Here are our thoughts on the conference and a few of the panels and talks that were delivered on the day.

A: Hi my name’s Kalli Surname and I am Social Media Manager here at 10 Yetis Digital.

K: And I’m Andy Barr and I’m Managing Director here at 10 Yetis Digital.

A: So yesterday we went to day two of the hashtag YMS16 Voxburner Youth Marketing Strategy is that all the branding? You think we’ve covered all the branding…

K: I think that’s it, you got it all in yeah, yeah.

A: So the first panel was myself with Olly from Primark, who’s an industry worldie. He’s really driving you know the VR market. He really wants brands to be doing a bit more with it.

A: The next thing I think we sat through was the Guardian piece, which I think was a really interesting story in what they were saying but again I’m not sure if it fit with the audience?

K: No, I’m not sure if it totally fit in with the audience, but it was really interesting to hear what they were saying about analysing their content.

A: The next talk that we saw that I think was the Zeno Group.

K: For me I think it was really important to hear how millennials are engaging with content and what their key interests are.

K: Another chat that we went and watched was from the Youth Bubble. She was asking who we believed were the most influential people to the youth today. We were actually really surprised with the results weren’t we?

A: It’s b*****t. I’m calling it! It was just b*****t. Do kids of today really find J.K. Rowling an inspirational figure? I f**k up regularly; if I’ve called this b*****t wrong, then I’ll say actually yeah you know I’ve got this wrong.

K: So the last discussion we went and watched was the ‘Future of Media’ panel talk; it had Buzzfeed, Urban Nerds and The Box all having a chat about where they think the media industry is going to be going over the next year or so. For me, I think that was the most interesting chat of the day.

A: It was brilliant, it was the one I really wanted to watch.

K: I mean with Buzzfeed as well they were talking through their strategy and also how they approach content. They consider how each piece of content is going to be delivered and they don’t just use that piece of content in silo on one channel, they reuse it in different mediums in different ways across the different channels.

A: I think the other takeaway from that was that there was a guy called Luke from Urban Nerds who scared the absolute s**t out of me.

K: Yeah but he was really good though, he had some very good points to make I think. I think he was quite bold in some of the statements he made…

A: …he got to you didn’t he…

K: He’s the one who said print media is dead.

A: So I think to wrap up, just a quick summary of the YMS Voxburner hashtag 16 conference. It was really good! Really well organized, everything was really slick, no queues anywhere…

K: …great location…

A: …yeah it’s well Camdem…but it was a really good conference and I know Kalli has got a really good takeaway from it…

K: Yes I do, I found out that men can also be called Lindsay!

A: Who knew?

K: Thanks for the love Richard Jackson!

A: Thanks very much, bye bye!

K: Bye!

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