09th Oct 2018 by Sam Benzie

Social Media services and why they are vital to UK businesses

What does a social media service entail?

Social Media services involve the creation, design and distribution of client content. This means that companies providing this service will create content plans, schedule posts, manage the community around the social platform, outreach to influencers and create reports, based on the needs and wants of a client and their customers.

Is social media vital for building customer relationships?

Social media works as a tool for companies to connect to their customers in an informal manner, from sharing interesting and funny content about the company, all the way through to customer care. But this is only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the benefits of utilising social media. Social media services are vital when it comes to creating a reputable brand, keeping up-to-date with current design trends and trending news stories, but also when it comes to developing a portfolio of client work and showcasing the successes and growth of your business.

Do social media posts drive targeted traffic?

In short, yes, of course they do. Whatever industry you work in, a substantial number of customers and leads are gained from social. And with the number of users on Facebook alone constantly rising, it would be silly not to take to the web. According to Statista, 19.7 million 18 to 44 year olds use Facebook day-to-day and 78% of women and 73% of men have social media accounts.

Having access to that large a number of social media users-turn customers can really help to boost traffic to your website. Not only do social posts work well to encourage engagement on their own, but they will also increase traction on other forms of content that a company can share. An example of this is the increase in new site content, blogs and homepage updates that can take a long time to gain views, with readers and customers not knowing about these updates until they search for the site again. But when social media is utilised to share these updates and changes through the company’s social channels, the changes will be boosted and traffic will be driven through social for customers to see these updates. While working with our own clients we have seen individual images on singular accounts reach 3.4k plus users in niche markets with no ad boosting. Without the use of social media, the link clicks and community created would not be possible.

Can being social media present help get you noticed at events and generate media coverage?

Having high quality and successful social media content and displaying it consistently can, in itself, gain your business media coverage.There are many examples of this, from viral company videos to company conversations and tweets picked up by news outlets. Along with this, the involvement in trending topics by brands and employees can really work to keep a business in the limelight. This will not only keep your business on the tip of your consumers’ tongues, but will keep you at the forefront of your industry.

Does a strong social media presence build brand loyalty?

Building brand loyalty is difficult for any company as customers will shop for the best bargain they can, and brands don’t always come into the question. But when social media is used correctly to engage an audience, brand loyalty can be established. Texas Tech University found that brands with social media profiles have more loyal customers and there’s a simple reason why.

A company that constantly reminds customers of their ethics, plans and keeps them up-to-date with the company and what is going on is one that consumers trust; there is nothing being hidden. Businesses will appear much more transparent when they share their activity regularly on social media, and this will encourage customers to trust and reach out to them. Relationships can be formed through the introduction of conversation in comments on posts and through messenger services. Offering a place for people to come and discuss your products or services can only benefit your business. A customer that feels heard isn’t going to run to another company looking for a better deal. When you engage with the public on social media, you’re taking the time to provide your followers with useful information, help and entertainment, without asking for anything in return. This not only keeps driving customers and potential customers back to your site, but shows that you value them as more than just a source of revenue, instead valuing them as people and in such competitive markets this can be the difference between success and failure.

Can social media directly find you new customers who don’t know about the brand?

Social media marketing allows you seek out new clients and customers who are looking for information or help relating to your business. With a simple search of key terms and key words relating to your products, you can start conversations and create discussions around your business and direct them to the products or services that you offer.

This strategy also works with customers who are aware of your brand but are struggling with a problem that your product or service can help with. By reaching out to them you will display two key things to them and other customers on the social platform. Firstly, you will show that you are a company that is on the ball and is always available to help their customers, and that is important to them. Secondly, you will show that your brand is constantly growing and adapting to better meet the customers’ needs. Displaying these key traits will not only influence potential sales but establish further brand loyalty.

So, is it vital to engage with your audience on social media platforms?

100%. If you’re not on social media yet, then you need to be… your competitors definitely are.

No marketing technique or tool can play a bigger role in influencing followers and developing brand perception than social media. Consistently interacting and engaging with followers, journalists and taste makers in your area can increase your profile clicks, improve your public image and will keep you at the top. If you want to take your social presence to the next level then drop me an email at sambenzie@10yetis.co.uk.

10Yetis top reasons why social media services are vital

Video Transcription

Hi I’m Sam; I’m a social media executive here at 10Yetis. I think social media services are vital for UK businesses because brands are able to create reactive content, they can keep up to date with top trends and they can keep up to date with what their competitors are doing on the same social media platforms.

Hi I’m Charlie, the graphic designer, and I think that social media services are vital for businesses in the UK as it allows them as it allows them to gain a greater feedback from their customers through both engagement and reviews.

Hi my names Sam, junior graphic designer at 10yetis, and I think that social media services are vital to UK business because it allows customers to feel like part of the brand and share their thoughts, and to keep up to date with brand activity.

Hi I’m Karen, web developer. Social media services are vital to UK business because they’re an initial showcase of brand when you want to colab with other brands and influencers.

My names Harriet and I am a PR account exec, the reason social media services are so vital for UK businesses is because it is the most cost effective way of marketing. You can make and account for free and then you just put in what money you want for advertising, so yeah it is so effective and so cheap.

Hi I’m Shannon, and I’m head of PR at 10yetis. When we’re providing social media services to clients we always tell them that it is important to have a presence on all of the social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. One of the reasons being, because if you don’t have a presence on those platforms then it looks a bit odd because people expect to find you on these platforms and if you’re not there, there is a bit of a trust issue, so having a presence on social media increases consumer trust in your brand.

Hi I’m Calum I’m a PR account executive, social media services are vital for UK businesses because a lot of people nowadays use social media in the first instance to search for things, so essentially they are using social media as a search engine so you need to have a presence on there.

Hi I’m Fran, and I’m a PR account executive. Social media services are vital to UK businesses because it’s a good way to get traffic flow to your website from across the world.

Hi I’m Katie, senior social media executive here at 10yetis, it’s really important to be present on social media today, but only if that’s where your customers are. There are lots of different channels and the most popular being Facebook which has got over 2 billion monthly users, so chances are they will be. Whether you’re B2B or B2C, social media services are really important to being present to your customers.

Hi I’m Rob, I’m the videographer here at 10yetis. Social media services should be utilised by all brands because they give you the opportunity to give your brand its own voice, which then helps build that all important brand authenticity.

Hi my names Kalli and I’m head of social and content at 10yetis digital. Social media is an essential part of building a brand it helps to create a dedicated presence and voice and it also raises awareness amongst your target audience, essentially consumers. It’s often the first touch point in the journey to purchase and beyond that, so it’s crucial to any brand.

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