01st Feb 2019 by Calum McCloskey

How an SEO Link Building Company can help your business - 10 Yetis Insight

How an SEO link building can help grow your business and boost sales

I’ve been a certified Yeti for four* ten months now, so I have been bestowed the highest honour of writing an informative, enlightening and enriching insight blog. In it, I’ll be looking at what an SEO link-building company is, how it can help with SEO, why PR professionals (like myself) excel at it, who needs one and why they are crucial to businesses in 2019.

What is an SEO Link Building Company?

In short, it’s a company that helps build high quality links to a site from a range of strong, authority websites, in order to improve a business or brand’s search engine optimisation. If – like me – you had to read that sentence three times and are still struggling to decipher it, I will break it down in more detail.

Link building is, at its most basic level, the act of acquiring links, or hyperlinks, from web pages back to your own. Hyperlinks are how users navigate between pages (as anyone who has played ‘the Wikipedia game’ will be well aware of). In short, if a user clicks on a link to your page on another website, they will be redirected to yours. The higher the number of links back to a site, the better that site’s SEO is likely to be, which I will discuss in the next paragraph.

Whilst I’m sure that was teaching most of you how to suck an egg (insert egg into mouth; suck), that’s link building at its base level. Thus, an SEO link building company helps businesses or individuals to acquire links on other, good quality websites. ‘But why does this matter?!’ I hear you cry. Read on, and all will be explained.

Why is Link Building Important for SEO?

Now we’re into the crux of the matter; why authority link building is important for SEO. Firstly, I will briefly explain what SEO is.

In layman’s terms, Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) is the attempt to rank as highly as possible in a search engine’s organic results section – i.e. search results that are not paid for. The ultimate aim is to grow the amount and quality of traffic coming through to a website.

Search engines like Google, Bing (yep, still exists) and Yahoo! all have an algorithm to determine how highly websites rank on their results pages (SERPs) for given search terms. Whilst nobody (except perhaps Mr Google himself) knows what exactly the algorithm consists of, it is widely accepted that the dominating factor is the quantity of high-quality, external links.

Think of a backlink to your page as a sort of reference – if a website with a high domain authority (DA – a score out of 100 that determines the clout of a website) includes a link to your website, this is viewed by Mr. Google as an endorsement for the site, and they can therefore trust you to be higher up in their search results.

Generally, the greater the number of high quality websites that link to your website, the more likely you are to rank highly in search results for certain keywords.


Are PR Professionals the Best at Authority Link Building?

Nobody likes to toot their own trumpet, but if you’re really good at the trumpet and you don’t toot it from time to time then no one will ever hear how good you are at the trumpet. In all seriousness though, PR professionals specialise in link-building campaigns and improving the SEO of brands, so make for perfect engines for your link-building needs; but how does this happen?

At the heart of every good link-building campaign is a solid idea. The best of these are unique and quirky, as these are the ideas that garner the most attention from the press. Link-building campaigns can take a range of different forms, from press releases, to widgets and microsites and stunts, all of which can be found over on our results page.

Here at 10 Yetis we (appropriately) abide by the 'pub conversation mantra' (a term I just made up), whereby we create ideas from their talkability-in-the-pub factor. If a campaign idea is good enough to be talked about in the pub, whether it be a naked sledging competition or the number of people that would assist a drunk driver or save a hot dog, then it will get attention from the media, and the link building comes into play.

I like to consider myself somewhat of an expert on the 'pub conversation mantra', but whether that’s because I’m excellent at my job or because I spend too much time in the pub, I will leave you to decide.


Who Needs an SEO Link Building Company?

TL;DR – any person or company who wants to increase the number of, and quality of, traffic to their website, by ranking as highly as possible on search engines.

Whether you are looking to increase awareness of your brand, increase sales, or just stay one step ahead of the competition, an SEO link-building company can help your business achieve all of these ends.

We have worked with a range of different businesses, ranging from start-ups to SMEs to global corporations, and whilst all have slightly different goals, all benefit hugely from link-building campaigns that help improve SEO and traffic to their site.

Why is SEO link-building crucial in 2019?

In this day and age, having a strong online presence is imperative for any business, as realistically the internet is where the majority of people get their information. Aside from social media, search engines are where online consumers find information, products and businesses.

An SEO link-building campaign, as outlined in the previous points in this blog, will help your business rank higher on the search engine results pages (SERPs) for relevant keywords, making consumers more likely to click through to your website.

Where PR more traditionally focused on getting print coverage, the importance of online media coverage, particularly when backlinks are included, has surpassed that. The majority of consumers will likely not stray past the first page of search results, so an SEO link-building company will get those rankings up, and thus help to drive more traffic and potential revenue for your website and business.

*This blog did NOT take me five months to write**

**Yes it did (we’re very busy building links for people, you know)


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